Ahh, yes sorry for the lack of post. Have been quite busy this few days.
Today I'm going to blog about cinnamon rolls:

My sister feel like baking cinnamon roll so without hesitate I start going through the bookmark and found one recipe from http://edible-moments.blogspot.com. Once I read through the insctruction and the recipe we started baking. Yes indeed this recipe is uber simple.. but is not one of the best cinnamon roll I have made and also not the best in taste.
After tasting we wasn't that satisfied, we decide to try the regular recipe that I always use. This recipe is quite easy for me as what I think. Beside that this cinnamon roll taste so delicious and not to forget is so fluffy. We cut down the recipe since we had already had quite a lot of cinnamon roll on hand before making this.
Cinnamon Roll
1 cup milk ( prefer full fat milk)
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 package active dry yeast ( 1 1/8 tsp)
2 + 1/4 cup call purpose flour
1/4 heaping teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon "scant" baking soda
1/4 heaping tablespoon of salt ( I omit this)
1 cup sugar ( I use brown sugar)
Generous amount of butter
Generous sprinkle of cinnamon powder
1) Mix the milk, vegetable oil, and sugar in a pan and heat on the stove until just before boiling. Leave to cool 45 minutes to 1 hour. When the mixture is lukewarm to warm, but NOT hot, sprinkle in the half a package of Active Dry Yeast.Let this sit for a minute.
2) Add 2 cups of all-purpose flour. Stir mixture together. Cover and let rise for at least an hour.
3) Add 1/4 cup of flour, the baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir together. At this point, you can cover the dough and put it in the fridge until you need it. It can keep overnight to day or two later if necessary.
4) Sprinkle the surface where you going to roll your dough generously with flour. Take the dough and form a rough rectangle. The roll must be thin and maintaining a general rectangular shape. Spread a generous amount of butter. Now sprinkle sugar over the butter followed by a generous sprinkling of cinnamon.
5) Starting at the opposite end, begin rolling the dough in a neat line toward you. Keep the roll relatively tight as you go. Pinch the seam to the roll to seal it. Spread melted butter in round, foil cake or pie pans. Make sure the bottom and sides are covered. Begin cutting rolls approximately 3/4 to 1 inch thick and laying them in the buttered pans.
6) Let the rolls rise for 20 to 30 minutes, then bake 400 degrees until light golden brown, about 15 to 18 minutes.
After proofing about 30 minutes.

Look how fluffy is the cinnamon roll.
* Best eaten with cream cheese frosting or some simple glaze.